Friday, June 22, 2007

Suicide... Is it?

Suicide, a simple solution to a complicated problem. When everything in life has turned against you, and life itself has faded to blackness, nothing else is better than becoming your own murder.

Life can look so black itself, and fears turn into never ending nightmares. The gun to the head or the rope to the neck seems minor, yet very affective.

Some might say suicide is always cluttering my mind. That might be the reason for my bleak poetry and suicidal centralized lyrics. Everything always turns to death. It seems like the easiest problem solver, so everyone thinks. With a mind full of darkness, fears, and sorrow, it's quite easy to think of nothing therefore, my dark poetry based on suicide...

Haunt our souls with death...Torment our bodies with death...Finish life with death... I am drowning in my own tears, I am letting my emotions choke me to death, I am allowing my sorrows to hang me by my fears, I am listening to my thoughts as they poison my actions, I watch as my beliefs shatter my existence, I may be no more,I may fall with myself.

You might have lost your love, Left me hidden in your life, Refused to show me you still cared, And watched me die, Suicidal thoughts filled my head, But you’d never let me die, Now there is no one to stop me, As I think of ending this life, You might just catch me when I fall, may still Make me feel alive, But now you’re gone, And here come back my thoughts of suicide.

I don’t want to cry anymore, So please dry up my tears, I don’t want to run anymore, So please take away my fears, I’m tired of seeing this darkness, So please make me blind, I’m tired of seeing these chains and walls, So please break this confine, I’m sickened to hear your words, When you chose to tell me so, I’m sickened that you want me to fit, In your little content mold, I’m depressed to hear that you think you can help, When you know that isn’t true, I’m depressed to hear that everything’s fine, When I’m stuck and there’s nothing to do, So stop telling me all my tears will dry, Stop telling me lies, I don’t want to hear anything anymore, I can control my own life.