The Road to Employment(part-I)
Well, I do realise that this is my time to write a blog, now that I don't have much to do as a person having to go to the placement office every day for about two months, sit there and watch every company's PPT..... hmmm... and what not.... well, why don't I tell you a story then, a story of Disbelief, a story of utter tension followed by something that wasn't expected off at all...and then finally sticking to the conclusion.. ALL'S well, tht ends well...Well, it all started of with me attending PPT's of companies right from about August. The few that I remember and likd were that of ITTIAM, Cypress and Analog Devices. (Special mention to Google and yahoo for their HR's... Man they were so F***ing hot) Attending all these PPT's were fun, especially those Infinite sms's that I was sending during the talk ironical to the message that always said - "Plz, switch off your mobile phones". I remember ITTIAM, Cypress and ADI so well was bcoz, they didn't bore us much with the usual stuff of what each company was doing in detail and stuff like that... they were talking in terms of whats most essential to us.......well, u guessed it right, PAY and compensation.
Well, though all these started off in August, the real storystarted in DEC, around 21st or so, when the placements actually started. Lehman Brothers came in along with Mcknzy.. it was pointy's and sunt's first interview in IIT... well, they didn't do that bad for a start actually, but there were others who were too good for them. Sunt's coolness and pointy's variety were very promising to get the first job in our wing. Finally, on Jan 5th, 2006 the shackles were broken and Sunt was placed in ITTIAM, a promising DSP company that boasts of having a portable media player much cheaper than those available in the market presently.
Well, in the mean time, Pointy was giving KG and Cho competition for insti red's {who would attend the maximum interviews and get bumped, Its what we this call here} Numerous companies came and bumped him, dono why but anyways, he was waiting for the big fish, perhaps.
Jan 6th was the day when I had my name come on to the placement notice board for the first time. I was in the short list for CYPRESS.... was very happy ob. Even pointy was there and so was Jumper. Well, we had a test, went well... and then the shortlist of interview came... guess what I was shortlisted for that as well... hmmm, was it my day??? Well, not so fast guys.. It was Ramu's and Bhima's day. They got jobs in the first interview of their life, what an achievement. Further, their package was 4.5 lacs before the interview, and after about a week or so was made 6.2 lacs..... well, I missed a Big fish...:(
Well, did I mention pointy got bumped again??? well, that was number 4 for him, I guess. But, it wasn't long before he celebrated.
Jan 9th saw the arrival of ADI in our campus. They were known to recruit only specific ppl and that too very few in number. Well, as usual me, pointy and many others gave the test. The result would be annunced in the evening and the interview would be the next day. Well, guess what... Once again I was in the shortlist for the interview. In CYPRESS, there were some 15 ppl in the shortlist for the interview. But, this had just 5. And being one of the 5 made me feel good. Also, on the day of the interview I realised I topped the test... that's even better na.. well, wait guyz, don't jump into conclusions. Jan 10th was POINTY's day.... Yeah, he was placed n ADI and to go with the six calls in IIM that came his way not many days before, he sure was on the top of the world. For me however, It was just another interview....well, U'll realise slowly as to why I said that.
Days passed and then one fine day on 18th Jan, CONEXANT arrived. I wrote the test again and guess what...well, u did guess it right.. I got shortlisted for the interview yet again. Well, the test was very promising, it was all digital ckts and my strength... so, i just thought this would be a walk through for me. Well, I guessed wrong.... The interview was utter confusion. That guy started asking me questions on wireless, boy i hadn't even heard of those in my life. Finally, he makes a real shady comment.. I gave up on that and left. Another interview to the dogs...
Well, is this to follow thorughout my placement schedule, Will I ever get placed??? Just chk it in my next blog coz now Its time 4 me to grub.. feeling very hungry, haven't had my breakfast :D