Saturday, February 19, 2005
Friday, February 18, 2005
..THE DEADLIEST GUMBAL.. Can pull anything out of the hat if we are together.. A mixture of exuberance and charm.. COME ON GUYS, we ROCK!!!!!


Saturday, February 12, 2005
... the making of EVENING OF 12th February..
TIME: 16:00 hrsWhat a dream that was...Generally the afternoon dozeoffs are meant fot those long night outs that are to come the next week...But seriously, I feel I'd be requiring more of it 'coz if there is anything thats going to console me this VALENTINE'S DAY, its gonna be this... I still donno who that girl was... I have always wanted someone in my life so nice as her..and once there was a knock on my door, she had disappeared. Oh! young lady, when will you ever come back?? Now the world just seems to me as that same old place conspired by circumstances around...Anyways now back to mugging
TIME: 23:00 hrs
Aaaaahhhh!!!... No .... don't presume that was an orgasm.... This was my anguish after the movie today... and except for its vagueness, nothing was also worth talking about it, I couldn't stand it. But I'll tell u what, it was really worth going there, because U know who was there.... An additional fitting to her did no harm to her appearance, but she looked more matured and infact reminded me of a school teacher.. . But anyways, I had to settle with pointy more than anybody else... and seriously, sometimes I'm forced to ask myself whether I have something in me that girls like. Hmm... this question has not been answered all my life and guess will take some thinking...